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Q: Why is asbestos so inexpensive to use?
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WHAT IS IN glowing embers used with gas logs fireplaces?

At one time, some DID use asbestos. Newer logs (last 30 yrs or so) use ceramics or mineral wool- no asbestos.

Is vermiculite without asbestos safe?

Vermiculite is a by product of asbestos so it not really asbestos free.

Is asbestos flammable?


How are asbestos roofs secured?

Asbestos roofs are secured in the same manner as non-asbestos roofs that use similar materials.

What is friable asbestos?

Friable asbestos is material that contains asbestos fibers and that can be crumbled into dust in the hand without the use of tools.

What is an example of Verbal Irony in Ads?

Irony is the opposite of its literal meaning. An example of an ironic ad is the ad for asbestos in 1981. It says "When life depends on it, you use asbestos". As we all know asbestos causes cancer so that is pretty ironic.

Who discovered asbestos?

Asbestos has been used for thousands of years, with evidence of its use dating back to ancient civilizations like the Greeks and Romans. However, it was Finnish geologist Johan Gottlieb Gahn who is credited with discovering the mineral in its modern form in the late 18th century.

When was asbestos outlawed?

While some countries began banning asbestos or restricting its use in the the 1970's others continue to permit its use. Although use of asbestos is limited in the United States, it has not been banned or "outlawed."

Can you machine asbestos cement pipe in California?

You can machine asbestos pipe but doing so requires the use of very specialzed equipment andis not usually a good idea. Look for an alternative material.

Is asbestos biodegradable?

Asbestos is composed of non biodegradable minerals including chrysotile, crocidolite, and amosite. So, Asbestos is non-biodegradable and it is toxic.

What years were asbestos in building materials?

the use of asbestos in buildings in the UK started around 1890, the used of Blue and Brown asbestos was banned in 1985, with White asbestos being banned in <strong>1999</strong>.

Can you inhale asbestos?

If it becomes airborne, yes, you can inhale asbestos. Doing so is not thought to be healthy.