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you need to call 911. DO it NOW

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Q: Why is baby's skin turning purple?
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Can my skin turn purple from the sun?

NO, the sun won't turn your skin purple. You may become deep crimson from a severe burn, but just turning your skin purple? No.MaBe you should get a sunburn and then look at yr skin... IS IT PURPLE.probley not unless you a alian or have some sort of sinkness.

Can giraffes have purple skin?

No, unless somehow it mutates to get purple skin.

What is a metaphor for a baby's skin?

Baby skin is a flower petal

Why are you purple?

If you are purple, than most likely have a skin disease.

What does the purple saxifrage look like?

it is very small and is approximently the size of babys breath . it has three smell leaves and two larger ones it is purple and has many details

Why is the purple guy purple?

Purple Guy's skin was most likely not purple. It is genetically impossible for a human's skin to be purple. However, in the sprite shown in the game, Purple Guy is simply a purple humanlike pixelated- thing. It was most likely he was wearing a purple suit when the murders happened.

What do Indian elephants skin feel like?

They have a very smooth skin and are very smooth and soft like a babys bum

What vegetables are purple?

Eggplant has a purple skin. There are also varieties of corn, potatoes, and onions that are purple.

What happens to purple onion skin cells when tap water is added?

The water turns purple and the skin turns white.

Where do you get blue or purple skin in Maplestory?

Purple skin is EXTREMELY rare. Few people have it. Blue skin is available with coupons in the nx shop. Buy a skin coupon to any place.

What color are skin cells?


How many days do you have to expose the babys skin to the sun in the week?

November 16, 2006 was a Thursday