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Q: Why is bending of your legs different from bending of your arms?
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You cant, though some of the celebrities have their arms and legs in different positions.

Can a sinus infection cause legs and arms to tingle?

A sinus infection can cause the legs and arms to tingle, but in most cases it is a sign of a different problem.

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The typical pattern of an infantile spasm occurs soon after arousal from sleep, and involves a sudden bending forward and stiffening of the body, arms, and legs

How do hermit crabs walk?

with their legs ok but they walk with their legs bending forward and back, which is different from other crabs as other crabs bend side to side, hope that helps

Do squirrels have 4 legs or 2 arms and 2 legs?

2 arms and 2 legs

What do you call the following parts of the body Legs and arms?

How about Legs and Arms.

How many arms and legs do penguins have?

2 arms and 2 legs

Do giraffes have arms and legs?

Giraffes have four legs, but no arms.

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A cyclops with no arms or legs

Monkeys have how many legs?

Two arms and two legs.

What does extreme mean?

An "extremity" refers to your limbs (arms and legs). Lower extremities are your legs; upper extremities are your arms.

What is brown but has no arns or legs?

There are many things that can be brown and have no arms or legs. A snake can fit this description, it has no arms or legs and slithers around. Some worms are brown and do no have arms or legs.