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Q: Why is bias free language an important consideration in written communication for the ambulatory care setting?
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Why is bias free language important for the ambulatory care setting?

Because it is important to keep professionalism, and to offer people respect.

Why is it important to find out and individuals communication and language needs?

It is important to find out an individuals communication and language needs because communication is the necessity of living and one cannot communicate without language.

What is the important of the element of communication?

Body language and speech.

Is language enough to be good in communication why?

Language is only one factor of good communication, but it is not enough. Another important factor of good communication is your listening skills.

Why communication and language needs is important?

communication is the medium through which one can share their feelings with others. For communicating people use different language. language can be Hindi, English, Spanish, Punjabi etc. Hence both communication and language is important for people in order to mae them understand what they want to convey.

How does body language play in communication?

Body language plays an important role in communication. A persons body language let's others know if they are really interested in what is going on.

What is minimal language?

Minimal language is considered to be part of the most important elements of communication. This works hand in hand with sensory organs and is said to be the primary language of communication.

Is language is necessary or communication?

Yes. Language establishes a common mode of understanding communication. But it does not have to be spoken or even written. Body language is an important way of communicating thought.

Language is important in communication discuss?

Well, it would be difficult to answer this in grunts.

Who do you write gangster language?

I do not promote or write in gangster language. It is important to use respectful and inclusive language in all forms of communication.

Is non-verbal communication important in itself or does it just help in the communication process?

Non-verbal communication is important in itself as it can convey emotions, attitudes, and intentions without using words. It complements verbal communication and can often provide additional meaning to the message being conveyed. Non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, gestures, and body language can significantly impact how a message is understood and received.

Why was it important to the early civilization to have their own language?

Communication has been a very important part of our lives for a long time.