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Q: Why is biological washing powder should not be used to wash silk clothes?
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What is the use of water?

Keeping the body hydrated and the soil mineralized. There are many uses of water like bathing, washing untensils and clothes and many more things but one thing we should always remember that we should never waste a single drop of water.

What should I do when Im scared because have a rash on my vagina where the hair is is that bad?

It could be from any number of things. Washing powder to sexually transmitted disease. The best option to take is to seek medical advice from your doctor if it hasn't gone in 24 hours, or it keeps coming back.

How should the biological name of the giant water bug be written in binomial nomenclature?

Belostoma sp.

What is the purpose of loungewear?

The purpose of loungewear is to be able to relax in clothes that are easy to put on and comfortable to kick back in. It should be clothes that are suitable for leisure time.

Is biological laundry dertergent more effective than non-biological laundry detergent?

biological variety are certainly more popular and do get your whites much cleaner. However you should never use a biological detergent on delicate fabrics such as silk and wool. biological detergents are full of chemicals. This can leave those of us with sensitive skins a little itchy, especially if you have eczema or dermatitis. non-biological detergents is that they are kinder to the skin, having fewer chemicals. The lack of chemicals however is the reason why they aren't as effective at getting the whites white. They lack an enzyme which is put into biological detergents to break the food stains down. biological detergents are not good for the environment. However there are now washers out there designed not to need any detergents.

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If mold is in fabric such as a towel if you wash it will the mold come out?

Yes it should come out with a biological washing powder. If it does not then you may have to use some proprietary stain removal chemicals in a wash.

Are there special washing instructions for maternity clothes?

Washing instructions for maternity clothes are the same as for other clothes manufactured from the same material. The washing instructions on the label should be followed.

What kind of water should be used when washing clothes?

When washing yours clothes, always use fresh or purified water.

Why should one give a drink of water to someone who has swallowed washing powder?

to wash it down the throat and to dilute the effects of the washing powder

Do you need to use washing powder or would a hot water wash do the trick?

If you want to remove grease from your dirty thing (clothes, skin and dishes all generally get grease on them) then you should use some form of detergent like washing powder. If you only want to kill bacteria then a hot wash might do.

Why should clothes be rinsed after washing?

Since clothes are normally washed with some kind of laundry soap or detergent, they should be rinsed to remove the soap.

When should you use baking soda?

You should use baking soda when you washing clothes or you can put it in drinks.

Does loreal thicking shampo work?

Does anything work as it should....toothpaste,shampoo,washing powder....

Why does the agitator barely move in a washing machine?

An agitator that barely moves in a washing machine likely has too many clothes in the machine. Too many clothes constricts the agitator and prevents it from working as it should.

How do you clean dog poop from childrens clothes?

wash it in the washing machine, and put it on normal that should do it.

Should you mix washing powder and a hairy dog?

you could do but it all depends on the breed of dog and the brand of washin powder. look in your dogs manual before doin anything drastic

Why does dark laundry come out with white dust or lint on it?

Are you using washing powders or liquid? If you are using powder, then this is soap residue from incompletely dissolved powder. Put the washing powder in FIRST because it will have more time to dissolve before being spread throughout the wash. Also use less powder. Most manufacturers provide a graduated measuring scoop to gauge the size of the load. Most likely you are using too much powder for the size of your load. A rule of thumb when you are washing darks is to use about 1/4 less soap than you think you need. A little practice will ensure that the clothes will be clean but spot free using less washing powders. Other causes might be that you are crowding your machine. Put your wash in dry before you turn on the machine. The clothes should fit in the machine without pushing them down or packing. After all, the water must circulate throughout the clothes freely much like washing yourself. When there is too much in the machine, the clothes don't turn with the agitator and the washing materials don't dissolve correctly because the clothes are pressing on the soap, sticking to the clothes. When was the last time you wiped out your machine? Like all surfaces anywhere, the drum of your machine needs to be cleaned periodically. Soap residue will cling to the bottom and the sides of your machine just like your kitchen sink. A wipe about once a month will take care of the problem. If you use a liquid fabric softener in your machine, skip adding it when you wash darks. Fabric softener is another culprit. You have added enough softener when you washed the whites and brights so there is sufficient softener clinging to the sides of the machine when you do darks. Finally, check pockets carefully when you wash. Turn out deep pockets so that the lint in them can fall out in the wash cycle. This will prevent accidental washing of tissues and receipts which will leave lint on your clothes.