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It is a universal donor because it does not contain antigens, or markers, which cause an antibody response in the body, so it will not be attacked for being a foreign object in the body.

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Q: Why is blood type 0 considered a universal donors?
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Which type is the universal recipient?

There is no blood group that is considered as universal recipient. Blood type O individuals are considered to be universal donors.

What are the universal donors?

Type O is considered the universal blood type.

Is blood type O a universal recipient?

People with blood type O are universal donors, not universal recipients.

Is blood type B positive a universal donor or recipient?

No, any type B blood types including B positive are not universal donors or universal recipients. Type O is the universal donor as it has neither A nor B antigen on the red cells. Type O blood donors can donate blood to anyone. Type AB is the universal recipient type and can receive blood from all blood types.

Why people with blood type O are known as universal blood donors?

because their blood cells don't have a different type of chemical on them as in A and B blood. actually, only people with O negative blood are universal donors because if you have A negative, you can't take O positive blood

What blood type is the universal blood type?

AB type blood is known as the universal recipient because people with this blood can accept donations from any other blood type. O blood is considered the universal donor because this blood can be accepted by any recipient.

If I have type O blood would I be a universal Donor, or recipient?

People who have type O blood are universal donors, but not universal recipients. They can donate to anyone, but can only receive blood from another type O person. This is why type O blood is always in great demand by blood banks.

Is a universal blood donor also a universal organ donor?

No. The blood type is one factor considered in matching transplant donors and recipients in some transplants. Most types of transplant use another system of tissue typing.

Does a person with type O blood have A or B antigens on the red blood cell?

No antigens.That is why they are the universal donors and anyone can receive their blood.

Can a person with types O blood donate to anyone at all?

Yes. This is why those with type O blood are called universal donors.

Which blood type is theoretically considered the universal donor?

The blood type that is theoretically considered the universal donor is type O. Type O blood does not have any antigens, therefore it is compatible with any blood type.

People with type AB blood are considered the universal recipient for transfusions because?

People with AB blood are universal recipients, people with 0 negative blood are universal donors.