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Q: Why is boxer so trusted in animal farm?
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Why is boxer so important to napoleon's success?

Boxer is very important to Napoleon's success because no other animal on the farm works harder than Boxer. He is also the most dedicated and loyal worker.

What injury does boxer sustain in the book animal farm?

He had been working too long and Napoleon thought he was useless to retire so early so he killed boxer

What character dies early on in the book animal farm?

old major and then snowball dies. boxer dies at the end and its so sad the way he dies:( its a great book!

What group of animals works the least in animal farm by George Orwell?

The pigs are the rulers, so the idea is that all the other animals are working to support them.

Why did napoleon send boxer to the knacker instead of the hospital?

Napoleon sends Boxer to the slaughter house instead of the hospital because he doesn't want to spend money on something he doesn't think is needed, like treating Boxer. He figures that Boxer will never fully recover so he is useless to the farm, so he sends him away to the slaughter house to be killed. Hope this helped :)

How did the pigs use boxer death to get animal to work harder?

Squealerr told the other animal that Boxer was sent away and was still okay, so the other animals were all relieved and worked even he=arder in Boxer's honor.

What is happening to boxer in Animal Farm?

boxer was their motivation for work and he kept all their spirits up while working with his quote ' i will work harder'. and he reassured the animals that 'napoleon was always right' I'm so cool. and Winchester is the best ^^lolol, course you are and course it is.:LL

Why is boxer sent to the knackers in Animal Farm?

Because he was older and weaker than he used to be, so he was of less use to the pigs and they didn't want to give him his social security when he retired. Also they wanted booze and got a few good dollars for him. Boxer had become a worn, old tool to be pawned to the pigs. Seriously.

What is the significance in the book Animal Farm when the name changes back to Manor Farm from Animal Farm?

the significance is that because the pigs have changed into humans the title for them is to make the farm under humans rules again so the title animal farm is no longer significant if the animals are no longer ruling it.

What is a domesticated farm animal called?

it depends on what type of animal it is, and in what manner it is domesticated. A cow is a domesticated farm animal... but so is a horse, or a bull, or a pet dog named Sparky.

How is the story of Animal Farm told?

The story of Animal Farm is told in the form of an allegory, where animals on a farm represent different classes and figures in Soviet Russia. Through the animals' rebellion against their human farmer and subsequent rise to power, the novel satirizes the Russian Revolution and explores themes of power, corruption, and manipulation. George Orwell uses simple language and animal characters to convey complex political ideas and criticisms.

What does that rat represent in Animal Farm?

the rat represents the section of the Russian population that wants communism to succeed so they will have an easy life as a freeloader