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Q: Why is bromine more selective than chlorine?
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Why is bromine selective?

Bromine is less reactive than chlorine (and much less so than fluorine) so it is selective when it comes to halogenation substitution reactions.

Which halogen is more active chlorine bromine or iodine?

chlorine is more active than bromine which is more active than iodine

Why is chlorine more reactive than bromine?

In most cases, chlorine is more reactive than bromine. This occurs because chlorine has a higher electronegativity than bromine. Thus, chlorine tends to take electrons from other substances more readily than bromine, and thus is more reactive.

Why bromine does not react with aqueous potassium chloride?

Chlorine is more reactive than bromine thus bromine is unable to displace chlorine to form potassium bromide.

How is bromine obtaines from nature?

Bromine is obtained by oxidising naturally occuring bromides with chlorine gas. This approach exploits the fact that chlorine is more reactive than bromine.

What will displace bromine from aqueous calcium bromide?

Something more reactive than bromine. Chlorine or fluorine would do it.

How does bromine's atomic radius compare to chlorine's?

Bromine's atomic radii is larger than that of chlorine.

Which has a higher atomic raduis chlorine or bromine?

Bromine has a larger radius (not raduis) than chlorine.

Why chlorine displaces bromine from potassium bromide?

Chlorine is a stronger oxidizing agent than bromine.

Does bromine have a lower boiling point than chlorine?

No, chlorine has a lower boiling point than bromine. Bromine has a boiling point of 332.0 K (58.8 °C, 137.8 °F) Chlorine has a boiling point of 239.11 K (-34.4 °C, -29.27 °F) I have been assigned a homework assignment to the purpose of explaining why this is, although I have no clue... yet. The reason for this is that the London Dispersion Force in Bromine is higher than that of Chlorine. London Dispersion Force depends on the polarizability which consists of two parts: number of electrons in each of these two diatomic molecules and the diffuse cloud (which mainly is the size of the molecule). Because Bromine has more electrons than Chlorine (35 to 17) and Bromine is larger than Chlorine (Period 4 > Period 3). Because of the above, Bromine has higher intermolecular force, London Dispersion Force specifically than Chlorine. Thus, it requires more energy to break the bonds between Bromine molecules than Chlorine molecules. In term of thermodynamics, Bromine has higher boiling point than Chlorine.

Aluminum bromide plus chlorine yields aluminum chloride and bromide?

Yes. Chlorine is more reactive than bromine.

Why are bromine and iodine denser than fluorine and chlorine?

theyhave more neutrons and protons