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It's the intended application, larger game (primarily deer), as opposed to smaller birdshot (intended for waterfoul and other winged game).

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Q: Why is buckshot called buckshot if you don't hunt bucks with it?
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How do you use the word buckshot in a sentence?

In states that do not allow the use of a high-power rifle to hunt deer, you may be able to use a shotgun loaded with buckshot or slugs.

What 20 gauge ammo should you use to coyote hunt?

How 'bout a slug or buckshot.

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No they dont hunt and you are werid.:)

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They are herbivores and therefore dont hunt. =)

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yes and no they are taught to hunt but dont participate until they are older

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They don't. They are Herbivores.

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Mustanges dont Hunt like all horses they are Herbivores. 899bubble