

Why is chocolate so tasety?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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It is because it has the cocoa beans in it the one we use to make coffee. And it is fill with the one thing we love most, sugar.

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It simply is the dish one prefers.

What are the different ways to eat chocolate?

There are so many forms of chocolate! * Chocolate bars * Chocolate syrup * Chocolate ice cream * Chocolate pudding * Chocolate chips * Chocolate cake

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Caliente is Spanish for "hot" so chocolate caliente is hot chocolate.

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why does chocolate have to be made brown? Why do they make different brands when you could just change the name chocolate? and if its science fair, um you could do which chocolate melts faster so and so or so and so brand.

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that's because chocolate cakes are made of chocolate flavored chiffon and chocolate icing and some have chocolate syrup and chocolate chips as toppings.

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Cocoa IS chocolate, so without it you wouldn't have chocolate .

What do you think of chocolate ice cream?

I think chocolate is so delicious and that whoever made chocolate is a star

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So a chocolate bar smells good!

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Because it is chocolate and chocolate is really awesome.

What can dog's not eat?

Chocolate. If they do there will be a chance of.....death so dont.

Hi for computer homework ive got to do a slide show on chocolate so could you tell me what your favourate chocolate?

My favorite chocolate is raspberry chocolate and dark chocolate.

How do you describe chocolate with a p?

Chocolate is the perfect food. I don't like powdery chocolate. Plain chocolate is fine, as long as it is dark chocolate.