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As chromium resists corrosion just as plastic so it is used in the cars bumbers

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Q: Why is chromium used to make the plating on cars?
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What element is used for the shiny trims on cars?

Chromium.The chemical element chromium is used for the chrome plating of metal strips for automobile trim.

What Element is used for the shiny on cars?

Chromium.The chemical element chromium is used for the chrome plating of metal strips for automobile trim.

What is chromium 6 used for in science?

Chromium 6 is used to make steel and other alloys. Chromium compound in either the chromium-3 or the chromium-6 are used for chrome plating, dyes and pigments, leathers, and wood preservations

Why antimony is used in chromium plating?

Electroplating served a number of functions, such as protecting from corrosion and wear, decoration, and electrical shielding.

Who invented chrome plating?

Richard Edward "Dick" Hall of Mansfield, Ohio invented chrome plating.

What exactly is the chrom and where is it used frequently?

Chrom is the german word for Chromium. Chrome is used for many things such as chromium plating, dye and pigments, as a wood preservative, as a catalyst and much more.

Is chromium rustable?

No, rust refers to the oxidisation of the element iron (Fe) and it's alloys and it's redish. And no, chromium is not oxidizing, at least so slowly that chromium plating or chromium spray paint is used to seal some items.

What element used to plate a cars bumpers?


Element used for the shiny trim on cars?


What Element used for shiny trim on cars?


Where do you bump into chromium in your everyday life?

chromium element is used as alloy element in stainless steel used for cooking utensils etc and also used for electroplating example in automotive parts like front grill for glossy look . Hard chrome plating is used to improve wear resistance of moving parts like engine components like piston pins etc.

Which element is used for shiny trim cars?

That would be chromium.