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Souring milk causes a chemical change because it changes its state of matter (from a liquid to a semi-solid), and it grows bacteria. When milk sours it causes a permanent change, therefore making it a chemical change.

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Q: Why is churning a chemical change?
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Why is ice cream melting a physical change?

Melting is a change of state. Technically you could chill it again and change it back to icecream. You'd just have to have it churning to keep it mixed correctly. Now, if it spoils, then that is a chemical change! You can tell by a change in color, smell and inability to change it back to its original state.

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Chewing and churning are types of mechanical digestion. The other type of digestion is chemical digestion, which involves the breaking down of foods via enzymes.

Is churning butter a physical change?

yes. it goes from a liquid to a solid.

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The churning action of the stomach wall accomplishes mechanical digestion. Mechanical digestion begins in the mouth and along with chemical digestion, ends in the small intestine.

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What is churning of the body?

Churning is the preparation of butter from milk.

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It's a chemical change

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it is a chemical change

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