

Why is colchicine used for preparing a metaphase spread?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Colchicine is a drug that prevents tubulin polymerisation into cytoskeleton structures called microtubules. Microtubules are essential for many functions of the cell, but importantly are needed for cell division. Specifically, they help align homologous chromosomes on the metaphase plate during metaphase and then separate the chromosome pairs during anaphase. So by inhibiting the production of microtubules, the chromosomes never align on the metaphase plate - they will be fully condensed but spread throughout the cell, a situation called a metaphase spread

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Q: Why is colchicine used for preparing a metaphase spread?
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colchicine is used to stop cell cycle during metaphase. In chromosome karyotype analysis, it is used.

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Colchicine is a drug used in the treatment of acute gouty arthritis. Colchicine is effective in suppressing the inflammation in acute gouty arthritis.

Why is colchisine used in karyotypic determination?

Colchicine causes microtubules to depolymerise. During cell division at the metaphase stage condensed chromosomes line up and are then pulled apart to either pole by microtubules. Hence adding colchicine to a cell culture stops cells completing mitosis. This is useful as a means of accumulating metaphases in the culture before harvesting. Typically colchicine (or the less toxic colcemid) is added about 30mins to 1 hour before harvesting, varying depending on cell type, species etc.

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Cells in metaphase are used to produce karyotypes.

Is colchicine a form of NSAID?

Yes, colchicine is a form of NSAID. It is used as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever in the treatment of rheumatic and arthritic pain also in the case of gout it is often used as a prophylactic drug.

Why is colchicine a drug in gouty arthritis?

Colchicine is used to treat acute gouty arthritis. When is severe inflammation as a resut of uric acid crystals forming in the synovial joints, causing severe pain, redness, and swelling in the affected joint(s). Colchicine iis used to suppress the inflammation. the precise reason for the action of colchicine is still unknown. it could cause reduction in uric acid deposition in turn leading to a reduction in the inflammatory response. Colchicine is not an analgesic (pain killer), but it does reduce pain in acute gouty arthritis.

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