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Q: Why is colchicine used to induce polyploidy?
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What are colchicine tablets used for?

Colchicine is a drug used in the treatment of acute gouty arthritis. Colchicine is effective in suppressing the inflammation in acute gouty arthritis.

Why polyploidy is important to the field of agriculture?

The importance of polyploidy to the field of agriculture is quite diverse. The main function is that they are used for speciation activities since they are sterile.

Is a kiwifruit a polyploidy?

Yes, kiwi fruit is a polyploidy.

Is colchicine a form of NSAID?

Yes, colchicine is a form of NSAID. It is used as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever in the treatment of rheumatic and arthritic pain also in the case of gout it is often used as a prophylactic drug.

Why is colchicine a drug in gouty arthritis?

Colchicine is used to treat acute gouty arthritis. When is severe inflammation as a resut of uric acid crystals forming in the synovial joints, causing severe pain, redness, and swelling in the affected joint(s). Colchicine iis used to suppress the inflammation. the precise reason for the action of colchicine is still unknown. it could cause reduction in uric acid deposition in turn leading to a reduction in the inflammatory response. Colchicine is not an analgesic (pain killer), but it does reduce pain in acute gouty arthritis.

How is polyploidy used in the field of agriculture?

Corn is the best simple example of polyploidy in agriculture. 8N, corn has more endosperm than 2N corn. Bigger kernels, more carbohydrate.

What is an extra set of chromosome?

The condition in which an organism has complete extra sets of chromosomes is called polyploidy. This condition can cause a number of severe birth defects. Most do not live a full lifespan for their species.

What types of organisms are polyploidy?

Polyploidy occurs in cells and organisms when there are more than two homologous sets of chromosomes. "occurrence of polyploidy suggests an evolutionary advantage of having multiple sets of genetic material for adaptive evolution"

What are polyploidy and when is this condition useful?

Polyploidy allows the formation of new species derived from different ancestors. Polyploid is the condition in which an organism has extra sets of chromosomes.

What happens when polyploidy has taken place?

Polyploidy occurs in cells and organisms when there are more than two paired sets of chromosomes.

Why are cells arrested with colchicine during metaphase of mitosis when creating a karyotype?

colchicine is an metaphase arresting substance.