

Why is college worse and harder than high school?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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For the same reason that High School is "worse and harder" than Middle School.

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Q: Why is college worse and harder than high school?
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Heavy workload

Why is college and university worse than high school?

It is not worse, it's better. Better teachers, harder classes so you can actually learn stuff, lots of library support, new friends, athletics opportunities, freedom to eat where and what you want, opportunity to explore other ideas, concepts, skills. In high school you pretty much take what they give you, in college, YOU do the taking of what you want to learn and who you want to be. Sky is the limit.

Why is college more worse than high school in general?

Who told you that? College is like anything else - it is what you make of it. If you work really hard in high school, and succeed well, you won't have much problem with college work.

Why is college so much WORSE than high school?

Because it is a higher grade and there is more homework.

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The decrease in the wage for high school graduates mean it will make it harder for them to work and save up to go to college.

Are teens who get pregnant more likely to graduate from high school and college then those who wait?

No. School is hard work and children make it harder.

Why are college courses harder than high school courses?

because they want to prepare you for the workforce because work is actually harder than schoolwork in general and the employers are aggressive.