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Q: Why is composting better than throwing food in the trash?
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What is the benefit of composting food wastes?

It benefits the environment by recycling nutrients and organic material. It can benefit people by providing a cheap source of the nutrients and organic material that are needed to grow food.

What is the hypothesis of composting?

It will not have air in the bottle for the food

How is a microbe useful when composting?

There are a number of reasons why a microbe is useful when composting. A microbe breaks down the food composted.

Can you use peanut butter for composting?

yes you can put peanut butter for composting because it is food and it is indeed biodegradable.

What are the causes of food adulteration and composting?

Microorganisms such as bacteria are the causes of food adulteration and composting. Adulteration refers to the unhealthy turn that food may take if proper preparation, serving and storage methods aren't respected. Composting refers to the breakdown of kitchen scraps into the elements from which they basically are formed. In both cases, microscopic critters and processes are involved.

How could composting reduce that amount of waste going to the landfill?

Because by composting, you are creating soil enrichment that can be put back into the ground rather than throwing it away just to have it pile up in some city dump. The food scraps you would have originally thrown away, have now been decomposed and are able to redeposited back into the ground safely, and without causing harm to the ecosystem.

What items go into composting?

Fruit and plants or other quickly rotting food.

Biodegradable wastes such as grass clippings and food scraps can be disposed of by?

The Answer to your question is composting

What is the best way to trash food?

If it is fruit or vegetable scraps, the best thing to do is to compost it. Composting is a very simple idea, where you create an area in your yard where you can periodically dump things such as fruit/vegetable scraps or leaves/grass. This will allow for the nutrients in the food to go back into the earth instead of getting tossed in a landfill where they will never biodegrade. Meat, bones, and other such materials should be thrown into a trash can. Depending on how your city cleans out its water, it may actually be better to toss the rest of your food down your disposal. Check with your city to see if they can easily clean such food out of the water. If not, food such as oatmeal, cereal, and pretty much everything else that can't be composted, should be thrown in the garbage as well.

What attracts raccoons to trash?

They are attracted by the smell of discarded food in the trash bin.

The biggest component of household trash is?

the biggest component of household trash is food

What do hobos do in their time?

Dig in the trash for food.