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Q: Why is conjugation considered a survival strategy?
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Migration can be a survival strategy for certain species, as it allows them to find better resources, escape harsh environments, or avoid predators. By moving to different locations seasonally, animals can increase their chances of survival and reproduce successfully. However, the success of migration as a survival strategy can depend on various factors such as habitat availability and human interference.

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The game is considered a game of strategy. It is a game of real time strategy and turn-based strategy.

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How would it hurt a bacterial colony's chance for survival if it were unable to perform conjugation?

The bacteria in the colony would be too genetically similar.

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Platypuses do not need a different survival strategy during winter compared to summer. Australian creeks and rivers do not ice over in winter, so they are able to still swim and hunt for food throughout the winter.

What cells act as the gametes in the conjugation of spirogyra or paramecium?

there is no gametes. that is why it cannot be considered sexual reproduction

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The strategy increases chances of survival for that species.

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How operations strategy related to corporate strategy?

Both corporate strategy and operations strategy are important to a company's survival and being active in the market. Company management should employ both in a very effective manner to become successful in the business and to stay ahead of the competition.

Is migration a survival strategygration be said to be a household survival strategy?

Migration can be said to be a household strategy in that when looking at global diasporas who flee their homeland due to traumatic experiences they can survive from migrating e.g the African diasporas. Also, looking at rural-urban migration, one who leaves the rural in search for employment can send home remittances which aids in survival of the family.

The act of two bacteria joining and exchanging DNA?

It is called bacterial conjugation, this is not sexual reproduction, since no exchange of gamete occurs.