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conjugation imparts rejuvenation, nuclear reorganisation and hereditary variation.

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Q: What is the importance of conjugation in a paramecium?
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What is the Process in which paramecium exchange DNA?

Conjugation. Good luck to anyone in Mr. Goode's class.

How is a paramecium able to reproduce sexually?

Paramecium reproduces sexually by conjugation.

What is the advantage of conjugation of a paramecium?

Conjugation is sexual reproduction through sharing of DNA. It is advantageous to a paramecium because it produces more genetic diversity, so in bad times, sexual reproduction might produce a stronger offspring that can withstand the bad conditions.

Paramecium can exchange genetic material through this process?


Which process results in genetic recombination separate from process wherein the population size of paramecium increases?

The answer is conjugation.

What is the sexual reproduction in the paramecium called?

levon cooper Conjugation Maybe

The process in which 2 paramecium join to exchange DNA is called?


Which protozoan reproduces by binary fission and conjugation?

The protozoan Paramecium reproduces by binary fission, which is a form of asexual reproduction where the cell divides into two daughter cells. Additionally, Paramecium also reproduces by conjugation, which is a form of sexual reproduction where two cells exchange genetic material.

What cells act as the gametes in the conjugation of spirogyra or paramecium?

there is no gametes. that is why it cannot be considered sexual reproduction

What type of sexual reproduction in paramecium?

paramecium reproduces asexually by fission. where the length of the paramecium increases, a constriction is formed in the middle of the cell. this constriction increases until the one cell splits into two paramecia :D

What is the process of conjugation in paramecia?

It adds to genetic variability. Swapping DNA helps the new organisms to be genetically different from the parents. If there is a biological disaster that threatens a population of Paramecia some of them may survive since they are not all genetically alike.

What is exchanged when two parmecia conjugate?

During conjugation two Paramecium join together and exchange genetic material using their micro nuclei