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Because no violation has ever been observed, therefore making it a useful guideline in predicting the behavior of physical systems. In the field of mechanics it is commonly used along with the law of conservation of momentum to solve how objects will move after a collision say.

This law has also been used to derive other statements/laws about reality, all of which have never been violated.

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Q: Why is conversation of energy considered a scientific law?
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Law of conversation of energy?

energy can not be created or destroyed, it can only change its form

What is the law of conversation?

The law of conservation states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed from one form to another. It is a fundamental principle in physics that governs the behavior of energy in the universe.

What scientific law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed?

The Conservation of Energy Law.

What is the law of the scientific rule that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed?

The law of conservation of energy.

What is law of conversation og mechanical energy?

It means that, assuming there if no friction, the sum of kinetic energy + potential energy doesn't change.