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Good access to 1) plant material to decompose for food, 2) water, and 3) oxygen.

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Q: Why is dark colored and loose soil usually rich in organisms?
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Why dark-colored and loose soil rich in organisms?

because organisms such as earthworms can live in a dark-colored and loose soil..

What is a brunet?

A brunette, is somebody with dark brown hair. Usually used when referring to a woman. It could be natural or colored that way.

What kind of rocks are usually dark colored?

Basalt rock is usually grey to black in colour, but can weather to a brown to reddish brown.

Why do dark colored shirts get hotter in the sun light colored shirts?

Dark-colored shirts reflect less radiation.

What is dark colored and light colored?

Black is dark coloured and white is light coloured

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Dark colored paper is white paper that has been dyed another color. Dark colored paper can come in many different colors.

Which is the best hypothesis for why the white colored moth population decreased?

Answer this question… B.The dark-colored moths were more fit.

Why are some mice light colored and some mice dark. Colored?

It's just how they are. One of their parents could be light or dark or both of them could. If one is light colored and one is dark colored the offspring has a 50/50 chance of being light or dark.

What is a dark colored rock?

Mafic igneous rocks, like basalt, are dark colored and low in silica.

What do Jews wear at a funeral ceremony?

Modest, formal, dark-colored clothing. Men: dark suits. Women: dark-colored dresses.

What is a sweet ingredient added to food that also helps with browning?

Usually brwon sugar or dark colored sugar or sweetener.

What colors are basalt rocks come in?

They are usually dark colored and dense. Most common colors are dark grey, dark green, black, and a brownish black. This is a helpful site