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because sometimes the body has not returned to its normal state.

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Q: Why is difficult for some body to conceive after her first child?
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Why is difficult for somebody to conceive after her first child?

because sometimes the body has not returned to its normal state

If you concieved on 5 oct and then again on 19 Jan would it make a difference to the fisrt time you conceived?

The body will not let you conceive again (Jan 19) until after the first child is born.

I would like to conceive next month April 2012. Should I replace the Patch tomorrow and do so for 3 week have my period then try to conceive OR not replace and try to conceive when i ovulate in April?

If you are referring to a nicotine patch, I'd recommend your first choice. Thus giving the body a chance to clear the nicotine before conception.

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When are you fertile after a d and c?

yes because your body is cleaned out and ready to conceive

Why do girl have peirods?

A girls period is a sign that she is able to conceive a child. When the body realizes that the released egg has not been fertilized it then is pushes the egg out along with tissues that would be needed to support a baby while it is developing and normal discharge. The contractions of the tissue and egg being removed can cause cramps. As a side note, a woman can conceive a child while she is having her period. It all depends on the time the egg is released.

Can a person conceive if semen is not directly released into the body?

Yes, A sperm can swim really good.

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If the white milky fluid comes out many times and it is wasted is it possible to not to have a child?

It is very healthy to expel the "white milky fluid" from you body. It definitely won't prohibit you from being able to conceive a child. It is normal. It is a sure sign that your partner or even you yourself have gotten you to the orgasmic level. It isn't harmful at all.

What is human spirit?

The Human Spirit is that spirit that enters the body of an unborn child just before it is born. It is said that when the child first moves in the womb that is when the spirit enters the child. That same spirit will leave the body at death and return to that home from where first came to await the resurrection, when it will be reunited with that same body. The body and spirit having fulfilled its purpose here on earth. Human spirit is inspired soul. When a child is born, the body is devoid of soul and spirit. However, the child is born with God's gift of ability to think, feel and act. With the Holy Spirit residing in the body, the child begins to fill its own soul and later, its spirit out of the soul.

Why do you get your periods and what happens when you get them?

throughout the month, your body builds up a protective layer in your uterus with lots of nutrients. the purpose is to provide the possible child with a safe haven to grow, and fully, safely develop. but if you do not conceive, then your body starts all over again so the environment for the baby, no matter when you get pregnant will be "fresh" (if you will) your period is when your body says "out with old, in with the new"

Is it possible to have a baby and then not be able to conceive again?

Unfortunately the answer is yes. The body changes with pregnancy and sometimes that results in infertility.