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My dog just turned 14 yrs old today went limp and wont move so i rolled him over and Poof his left testical is 4 times bigger then his right. I called my vet and he said to Immediatly put the dog on 1 Aleave and Put an ice pack on his testical . Im also going in tomarrow with my dog id do it sooner but My vet is 3 hrs away 1 way and he said be there at 11 am My advice is call your Vet for info my dogs weight is not the same as yours and you Should always listen to a lisenced VET. So please call your vet make and appointment and definatly use the ice Pack or Crushed ice and a zip lock bag to releave stress.

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Q: Why is dogs testicals swollen what can you do for pain?
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If your throat has been swollen for two weeks, with or without pain, you should go to the doctor immediately. If its your lymph nodes it could be a serious problem.

What can you do for a swollen lymph node?

You can't do much for a swollen lymph node but you can identity what is causing it to swell and take care of that. Other than that, don't touch the lymph node and take pain killers if it is causing you pain.