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Q: Why is drain dug around the tent in mountains by mountaineer?
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Related questions

How many pages does The Red Tent have?

The Red Tent by Anita Diamant has around 336 pages in the paperback version.

How do you make a tent for camp?

There are several materials that are useful in making a tent that can be found around home. You can also of course purchase a tent at a local retailer as well.

What different sizes are available in party canopy tent rentals?

Average size for part tent rental is around 29 by 21 inches. You can add whot or more tents tlogether to get one bigger tent.

What is the average price of a pop up tent?

The average price for a pop up tent varies. If you are looking for a children's pop up tent the average is around $40. For a gazebo type adult pop up tent, the average price is around $100.

How do you get rid of earwigs around a tent while camping?

no need to, they are harmless

Is there a boy's play tent made to go over a twin size bed?

You can find several at including a Tree House Bed Tent for around $59.99.

Do we have to fumigate around the house after the termite tent is removed?

do we have to fumigate outside after the termite is removed

Where would you find flora?

The excavation site (mines), in the tent, and then walking around the town.

What is a bell tent?

A bell tent is a tent with a bell-like shape.

What will it cost me to rent party tents in Omaha, Nebraska?

Depending on what company you decide to go with and the length and the type. The avgerage is around 20-300 a tent, which may not include set up of the tent.

How much do tent canopies cost online?

Tent canopies can sell for various prices online. You can get one starting at around $60 and then they go up from there. The price really depends on the quality of the canopy.

What to do when it rains and you are camping?

you will want to seek shelter such as your tent or tarp. When camping it's important to make sure you are placing your tent in an area that will not collect water if it rains heavily. It is ideal to put your tent some where where the water will run off. It is also important depending on how good your tent is, to "trench" your tent area. This involve using a shovel or stick or rock to dig out a trench around the entire tent area and away from the tent where it will run off. this will prevent the water from pooling underneath the tent. Purchasing a "dry sac" can really help for storing emergency items such as clothing, jacket or even an entire sleeping bag in case you get caught in a storm before you've had time to set up your tent.