

Why is dumping in rivers bad?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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7y ago

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Pollution poisons the water.

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Q: Why is dumping in rivers bad?
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How do people misuse rivers?

by dumping in it :)

What thing will harm the river?

fish harm rivers and we do by dumping our rubbish in them

What will not reduce water pollution?

What will not reduce water pollution is constantly dumping garbage in to lakes and rivers.

What would be the effect dumping sewer water into rivers or the ocean?

it will polute the plants and animals near the water...

Does dumping waste in the ocean and rivers help the animals that live there?

about 1% of the time, 99% of the time turtles die.

Why is ocean dumping bad?

Ocean dumping is bad due to the fact that it pollutes the ocean and then it will cause people not to go to the beach etc.Some ways to stop it:plan a group who will clean the beach with yourecyclethrow your own garbage awayHope this helps!

How does industrial use affect water supply?

It can cause water pollution by dumping chemicals into the rivers and also the ground which gets into our well water.

What may not be good for rivers?

Phosphates are bad for rivers, lakes, and oceans.

How much of the Atlantic ocean is polluted?

All oceans have been polluted in some way, shape, or form. Oceans have been polluted be agricultural runoff and the dumping of garbage.

What are the sources of oil pollution in rivers?

--Oil spills/leakage from boats. --Intentional dumping of oil into rivers/watersheds-which carry the water into the river. --From oil on streets-Gasoline accumulates on the hard, unpermeable surface of pavement, and when it rains, this oil is washed into the ground and to creeeks/rivers.

What are the effects of dumping cyanide into rivers?

Poisoning the river waters and down stream water supplies and killing marine life in the area of the dump site.

How did people believe diseases were spreading during Elizabethan times?

It is believed that diseases spread through the unsanitary citites and the dumping of trash in community rivers