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God hates the other colours

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Q: Why is earth blue and green and not other colors?
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Related questions

What are all of the Earth's colors?

the earth's colors are blue, green and white.

What color us probably found on a globe more often then any other colors why?

Green and blue, because the earth has land (which is green) and the earth has oceans (which is blue)

Are blue and green intermediate colors?

Blue is not derived from other colors. Green is. Red, Blue and Yellow are not intermediate colors.

Is earth the colors of blue and green?

No, the Earth is brown, the sea is blue, and the grass is green which makes it look blue and green. thank you and have a fun day :}

Why does the earth looks blue?

The Earth looks blue from space because of the water that covers most of it. Other colors that can be seen are green, brown and yellow.

What causes the earth to cool?

the colors of the earth are blue and green

What are the colors from earth?

blue and green maybe some others

What colors are cool colors?

Cool colors are colors like purple and blue and green and silver. They are the opposite of warm colors. Cool colors are like blue, purple, green, and other dark colours. Warm colors are like yellow, red, orange, and other light colours.

What color is earth?

From space : blue (ish). Close up : green or is blue,green,and white.

What are zendayas favorite colors?

blue, green, and some other colors

What is the true color of Earth?

Earth has many colors, the sea is colored blue thanks to the reflection of the sky, and most of the land is green, there are also gray, brown and many other different kinds of colors.

What are colors found beside each other called on the color wheel?

Analogous Colors - next to each other on color wheel (Blue&Blue-Violet, Green&Blue-Green..etch)Complementary Colors - colors that compliment each other on the opposite side of the color wheel. (Red&Green, Yellow&Purple...etc)