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Well, simply because it's currently the only planet that contains large amounts of water on its surface. Water covers more than 70% of Earth's surface, which contributes to calling our planet, the water planet.

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It's distance from the sun is just right, meaning that liquid water can exist. It is thought that liquid water is essential for harbouring life. If the earth were closer the sun then the water would exist as steam or water vapour, while of it were further out the water would be permanently frozen.

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Q: Why is earth known as a water planet?
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What is it that the earth is called a blue planet and what consists then explain?

Because the earth is covered with 75% water and the only known planet with water.

Which planet is the only planet in your solar systems known to have liquid water?

earth is the only planet with most water cant you see you live in the earth. earth is the solar systems water, plants, and human planet you know? so that's your answer eath is the planet with the most water.

Which planet known as wattery planet?

Earth. Scientist were almost about to call earth "Water" instead. The earth is the watery planet because it is has 2/3 of the ratio water/land. Hoped that Helped!!

Why earth is known as the blue planet?

as it consists of 75% of water

Is earth known as the blue planet?

as it consists of 75% of water