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It happens when the manure containing E. coli is used for fertilizer (a common practice to help crops grow) or if water contaminated with E. coli is used to irrigate the crops. Cows or other animals that eat the crops that was infected can infect the animals.

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Q: Why is ecoli bacteria spreading to other foods?
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Is Ecoli always useful?

E. coli is short for the medical term Escherichia coli. The strange thing about these bacteria and lots of other bacteria is that they're not always harmful.

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The spreading of bacteria or other pathogens from one food to another is called?


Why does bacteria prefer proteins to fats sugars and salts?

Because the bacteria can multiply 3x as fast compared to other foods.

What are food making bacteria?

Yes & No. Because there are two types of bacteria Autotrophs , heterotrophs.Autotrophs make their own food with the help of environment & sun energy.Heterotrophs can't make their own food so they eat autotrophs & other heterotrophs.

Is eating crap safe?

No, you can get ecoli along with many other diseases

Is bacteria important in yogurt and any other foods?

No,but it gives a bit nutrition boost if it is a good bacteria so it should be added if not,it won't make a difference.

Why are some bacteria able to survive for long periods of time?

some bacteria can survive feeding on other organisms. Also, Bacteria can be spread in sicknesses so once spread the bacteria will be given to someone else and be keeping it living. Sometimes, when an area isn't cleanly the bacteria will be spreading and causing sickness and keeping it alive. As I said, bacteria can feed on other organisms making it stay alive. Sorry if I missed something.

Bacteria are necessary for the production of?

Bacteria help make yogurts and cheeses from dairy products, and can pickle cucumbers and many other foods. The list is long.

How do you store cook-chill foods safely?

Sous vide products are stored refrigerated - under 40°F. you also need to package the product in a suitable container to prevent the contamination of other foods, contamination will meen that bacteria will spread to other foods.

How do heterotroph bacteria get food?

Some bacteria are heterotrophs and cannot make their own food. Instead, Heterotrophic bacteria must consume other organisms or the food that other organisms make. Heterotrophic bacteria may consume a variety of foods--from milk and meat, which you might also eat, to the decaying leaves on a forest floor

How has the Shepparton swimming pool changed over the past 40 years?

yes they have, with the provided tests and clean supplies in the pool. like chemicals such as chlorine, which prevents any viruses and bacteria entering the pool and spreading onto other people yes they have, with the provided tests and clean supplies in the pool. like chemicals such as chlorine, which prevents any viruses and bacteria entering the pool and spreading onto other people