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Q: Why is electric bill so high?
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What can you do if your electric bill online is too high?

If you view your electric bill online and it is too high, you will want to contact your electric company to make sure it is accurate. If it is accurate, ask about budget pay plans to make the payment more affordable.

If your waterheater is set high will this increase my electric bill?

Better believe it because it will.

What is an electric bill?

electric bill is a electric consumtion

What do you get when you cross a pelican with a lighting bolt?

A big electric bill.

Reducing a High Electric Bill?

A high electric bill can be devastating to a family's budget. Electricity is a necessity and the bill must be paid to keep the power on. Families must manage their electricity use in order to avoid a high electric bill. Each family member must commit to reducing the amount of electricity used every month. Reading a book instead of watching TV or playing video games a few times a week can help reduce the bill. Remembering to turn off lights when leaving a room is also helpful. Taking shorter showers and air drying the dishes can help reduce a high electric bill as well.

What happened to the pelican who stuck his head into a wall socket?

he got an electric bill

Is internet considered a utility bill?

it uses energy so its going to contribute to your electric bill

What exactly is electric bill assistance?

A utility bill assistance is when you need couple of more days to pay the bill. So perhaps an electric bill assistance is when you need couple of more days past the due date to pay the bill.

Can an electric transformer send too much electricity to the meter causing a high electric bill?

An electric transformer does not send electricity to the meter it supplies a source of power that is requested by the demand of the load. The meter is a device which totals the amount of power that you use. This is the amount that you are billed for. If your electrical bill is high only you can reduce it by decreasing the load demand.

What is the average Indiana electric bill?

What is the average price of an Indiana electric bill

How do you know if someone has illegally connected to your electric supply?

Your first indication would possibly be an abnormally high bill.

Can a transformer cause high electric bill?

Yes. there is an internal lose in transformers tranforming voltages to another voltage.