

Why is error possible in weather predictions?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why is error possible in weather predictions?
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Is error possible in weather predictions or is weather really unpredictable?

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This site is not capable of doing weather predictions. You just need to check on the weather forecasts.This site is not capable of doing weather predictions. You just need to check on the weather forecasts.This site is not capable of doing weather predictions. You just need to check on the weather forecasts.This site is not capable of doing weather predictions. You just need to check on the weather forecasts.This site is not capable of doing weather predictions. You just need to check on the weather forecasts.This site is not capable of doing weather predictions. You just need to check on the weather forecasts.This site is not capable of doing weather predictions. You just need to check on the weather forecasts.This site is not capable of doing weather predictions. You just need to check on the weather forecasts.This site is not capable of doing weather predictions. You just need to check on the weather forecasts.This site is not capable of doing weather predictions. You just need to check on the weather forecasts.This site is not capable of doing weather predictions. You just need to check on the weather forecasts.

How do weather forcasters make there predictions about tomarrows weather?

they use we

Who makes the predictions blizzards?

The weather companies.

Is error possible in weather predictions?

Not only possible, but certain. Weather predictions are wrong more than they are correct.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Not only is it possible, it is inevitable that there will be errors in weather predictions.The atmospheric physics that controls weather is what is called a "chaotic system" or a "deterministic chaotic system". What this means is that the physics while "deterministic" (i.e. future states can always be determined exactly if the current state is known exactly) but the behavior of the system looks "chaotic" (i.e. unpredictable), because the current state can never be determined exactly and after enough time the state of the system is ultra sensitive to indistinguishably different current states resulting in wildly varying future states.So, no matter how hard you try to make a correct weather prediction, at some point in the future your prediction will be completely different from the actual weather at that time. You will be wrong.

An observer of the weather who recordes and tries to make predictions of the weather is called?


How do we predict the weather in the near future?

Computer models predict future weather patterns

Whats the weather supposed to do the rest of the week?

Weather forecast predictions can be made for the day and the week. The best way to know the weekly forecast is watching a local weather station in the area inquiring. Weather predictions can change daily.

How do weather forecasters make predictions about tomorrow's weather?

they use the information from their observations to make inferences

How are pressure measuements related to weather predictions?

answers Decreasing pressure indicates a change in weather.

Weather conditions may affect your predictions?


What are the release dates for Modern Marvels - 1994 Weather Predictions 4-5?

Modern Marvels - 1994 Weather Predictions 4-5 was released on: USA: 7 December 1998