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because it is

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Q: Why is fair-trade cotton a good idea?
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What is fairtrade cotton?

fairtrade cotton is cotton that a lot of people have worked to get to you

Where in the world is Fairtrade cotton from?

India is where a lot comes from.

Why is fairtrade good?

fairtrade is good because people who sell it dont get enough money to buy other crops

Where does fairtrade cotton come from?

all over Africa!

What are fairtrade mugs?

I don't know that's a good question! I guess mugs that are a fairtrade?I don't know that's a good question! I guess mugs that are a fairtrade?

Were does fair trade cotton come from?

# Fairtrade cotton - is cotton that has been grown (known as seed cotton before ginning) by farming groups that have been certified by the Fairtrade Labelling Organisation (FLO) against the Fairtrade Standard for Seed Cotton - which covers environmental, social and economic aspects. # As of June 2009 certified producers (ie farmer groups) are to be found in - Cameroon, Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Egypt, Peru, India and Kyrgyzstan. Graham Burden Sustainable Textile Solutions Ltd (UK)

What products do fairtrade sell?

Fairtrade themselves dont sell products, fairtrade is a certification for products to prove that the farmers who produced the product were payed good money for it . If you want names of stuff that can be fairtrade, try chocolate, coffee, fruit, or juice. Hope this helped:D

What is fairtrade fortnight?

fairtrade fortnight is a two week celebration for fairtrade

Why is fairtrade not good for everyone?

Cause not everyone gets some money.

How do you support fairtrade?

buy fairtrade

Who uses Fairtrade?

anyone can use fairtrade

How you can help fairtrade?

by buying fairtrade products