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Q: Why is fluid movement important in a cell membrane?
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Which organelle generates movement of fluid outside the cell?

The organelle that generates movement of fluid outside the cell is the cytoplasm. It usually produces a fluid which is known as cytosol.

Why is it important for the cell membrane to be fluid?

The reason why the cell membrane requires a fluid consistency is to allow certain molecules to pass through. Fluidity is also important for phagocytosis to take place.

Why is it important to remember that the cell membrane is fluid?


What part of the cell is referred to as to fluid mosaic model?

The cell membrane or plasma membrane is often referred to as the fluid mosaic model. This is because it is composed of a fluid lipid bilayer with embedded proteins, giving it a mosaic-like appearance. The fluidity allows for the movement and exchange of molecules within the membrane.

Why is important to have a cell membrane when there is a cell wall?

The cell membrane allows the movement of substances in and out of the cell while the cell wall just gives the plant cell its firm shape.

Why is it important to have a cell membrane when there is a cell wall?

The cell membrane allows the movement of substances in and out of the cell while the cell wall just gives the plant cell its firm shape.

Why is it important to have a call membrane when there is a cell wall?

The cell membrane allows the movement of substances in and out of the cell while the cell wall just gives the plant cell its firm shape.

What Controls what moves in and out of the cell?

Cell membrane

What controls the movement in and out of the cell in plant cells?

cell membrane aka plasma membrane

What does a cell membrane do in a root hair cell?

a cell membrane controls movement of substances in and out of the cell.

What is the function of a cell membrane in a plant?

The cell membrane controls the movement of substances into and out of the cell.

What in the cell membrane controls movement of ions into and out of the cell?

Proteins imbedded in the cell membrane