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Oral input of food allows the closest inspection by sight and smell. As the maximum extension from the actual digestive organs, it allows food to be rejected (spit out), regurgitated (coughed up), or further modified (chewed more, saliva added, liquid added, temperature moderated). From this location, the teeth can have their associated purposes: for killing prey, for chewing, and as defensive weapons.

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Q: Why is food chewed in the mouth?
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Food is chewed and moistened here?

Food is chewed and moistened in the mouth. The teeth in the mouth do the chewing, and the saliva does the moistening and beginning of carbohydrate digestion.

Region that breaks down food mechanically?

The mouth is where food is chewed.

How did ancient china eat their food?

They put it in their mouth and chewed

In what system is food chewed and broken down by saliva?


What may happen to the food that we eat when mouth is not eorking well?

If your mouth isn't working right then your food will not get chewed up correctly.

What does the mouth do in the digestive?

The mouth makes the food more chewed up so that it can go down easier through the esophagus. The chemical processes in the stomach work better when the food is chewed and able to soak up the stomach acid. The mouth also secretes enzymes in the saliva to help break down starches that are in the food.

How did the Maya obtain food?

he put it in he mouth chewed it swolled it and whet to the toliet dose that help

Where is food chewed?

food is chewed in your molars.

Oropharynx is the passageway of food?

Yes, after being placed in the mouth and chewed, the food bolus is swallowed, passing through the oropharynx into the esophagus.

What is the various process of food propulsion?

Food enters mouth, as it is chewed, enzymes in the saliva begins to break it down. It is swallowed

What goes from your mouth to your stomach?

Food---but once it is chewed, on its way to the stomach it is called 'bolus'

What part of the digestive system assists in food manipulation and swallowing?

Your tongue assists in food manipulation within the mouth, moving it to different areas of the teeth. It then assists in moving the chewed food to the back of the mouth for swallowing.