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The food pyramid provides a guideline for the intake of vital vitamins and minerals ina person's diet. Getting too much of one thing and not enough of another could be detrimental to a person's health, causing malnutrition, and all the side-effects that malnutrition comes with.

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13y ago

Food pyramids can help you to follow a healthy diet. The purpose of a food pyramid is to show, clearly and graphically, which are the best foods to form the basis for a nutritious eating plan, and therefore which foods one should eat more of, and which foods should be eaten less.

It is easier to see at a glance how different foods should make up one's daily allowance, and people are more likely to take notice of an illustration in the form of a food pyramid than they are likely to read a long text explaining the same thing.

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Unfortunately biscuits are not found at the top of the food pyramid. The food pyramid has become a plate with the correct portions we are supposed to eat at meal times. Grains are an important part of our diet but not the most important.

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Diets can be better planned with the help of food groups and the food pyramid. It's important to know what is what and how it can help with achieving certain goals. The pyramid also helps with knowing what portions to consider in daily consumption.

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This is the food pyramid for vegetarians

Why is important to follow the food guide pyramid?

In order to have a balanced diet, this pyramid was developed to assist people in making good choices to stay healthy.

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What is a food piramid?

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What is the order for the food chain pyramid?

Search Food pyramid!

Is the pyramid of Giza the most important pyramid that there has ever been?

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the most important pyramid.