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Q: Why is gamelan from village to village different?
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What is the melody in gamelan?

Heterophony and Polyphony are in Gamelan music. Heterophony due to the use of a single melody being played in different parts whilst also being extended and elaborated. Polyphony due to the overlapping rhythms (polyrhythmic) and within the parts themselves

What is something interesting about Gamelan music?

In Indonesia, many villages make their own instruments. This mean that each band produces it's own unique sound becuase the tuning will vary from village to village. by Charlie P 7k

Do people play different instruments in a gamelan band?


What is the gamelan?

gamelan is a type of music originated in Indonesia.

What is the basic function of vocal music in gamelan music?


When was Stainless Gamelan created?

Stainless Gamelan was created in 1965.

When was Gamelan Council created?

Gamelan Council was created in 2005.

Is the Gamelan played in rituals?

yes the gamelan is played in rituals

How big is a gamelan orchestra?

A Gamelan orchestra can be as small as 2 people. The Gamelan orchestra can be as large as 20 or 30 people big.

How did people in Java learn how to play gamelan music?

The people of Java learn gamelan music as an oral tradition. The first gamelan was played as a way to send messages to the gods. After the introduction of Catholisism to Java, Gamelan music was used in services to some extent.

What is the most interesting fact about gamelan music?

The term refers more to the set of instruments than the players of those instruments. A gamelan as a set of instruments is a distinct entity, built and tuned to stay together - instruments from different gamelan are not interchangeable. The word "gamelan" comes from the Javanese word "gamel", meaning to strike or hammer, and the suffix "an", which makes the root a collective noun.

When was American Gamelan Institute created?

American Gamelan Institute was created in 1981.