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Q: Why is getting caught in a back roller near a low -head dam dangerous?
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Where does an escaped slave go after getting caught again?

back to their masters

Why was the under ground railroad so dangerous?

Well first of all the underground railroad wasn't actually underground, nor was it a railway. It was a path in which slaves created in order to escape from slavery. It was very dangerous. They went though many steps to get away starting with actually escaping from the slaveholder. It was very dangerous because while escaping to the north or to Canada they had to avoid getting caught, for if they did then they would be caught and brought back. Also fatigue was a dangerous factor.

How do you get revenge on your parents without getting caught?

Stab them in the back so they cant see you that'll teach them

How far do you have to go to escape getting expedited back to Indiana?

You don't have to go anywhere as long as you don't get caught.

How do you put a window back on its roller power window?

If your window has come off its roller you will probably need a new regulator to get it back on the track. Alternatively you can try to fix it by detaching the paneling on your door and trying to get window back on roller.

Why did separated slave families have little hope of getting back together?

They had little hope of getting back together because if the were caught by their masters they would get beaten. They had that little hope because of that reason,they didn't won't to to get beaten by their masters.

Why can't you ride a roller coaster when you suffer from back pain?

Roller coaster rides create a lot of G force, pushing your body up or down when the roller coaster falls or climbs quickly. This force puts a lot of pressure on your back while riding, and can compress spinal discs. Basically, roller coasters crunch your back, and a are a bad idea if you already suffer from back pain.

Can you run away under the age of 18 without getting caught?

Nothing. But running away is not the answer. It is dangerous. Many kids who run away end up dead, or end up as prostitutes and/or drug addicts. They are used by people who want to hurt them. Please see the Related Links below.

When was the first water roller coaster invented?

OMGthe first water roller coster was invented one dating back to 1898

Are slide gate openers dangerous?

They can be dangerous but you can minimize that danger by going with the right type of opener. The Amazing Slider Guide posts stand a full 18 inches back from the slide gate which largely eliminates the potentially dangerous issue of a moving gate rolling past stationary pinch roller posts only inches from the gate.

Is it dangerous to get a tattoo on the back of your neck?

Yes it is dangerous to have tatoo on u r back of neck

Where can I find information about foam roller exercises for back pain?

Organizations such as Stack and Men's Health provide great information regarding foam roller exercises for back pain. The information is very accurate and valid.