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It is bad to have a high amount of glucose in your urine because you will be diagnosed with Diabetes. A slightly raised glucose reading can also indicate pregnancy.

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Q: Why is glucose in the urine a sign that something is wrong in the body?
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Why isn't glucose normally found in urine?

Glucose is not in Urine because the body transforms all the extra glucose into fat and stores in the the body instead of excreting it with urine. Glucose can be seen in urine in uncontrolled diabetes millitus, when the blood glucose level is higher than the kidneys threshold of glucose reabsorbtion, then the extra glucose gets excreted with urine instead of getting reabsorbed by the kidneys.

Absence of glucose in urine?

A low level of glucose in urine could indicate hypoglycemia, an overdose of insulin, or an overabundance of the insulin produced within the body.

What does color pale straw in urine indicate in Urinalysis?

low quantity of water in the body --------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> Actually, straw and pale straw are the colors of normal urine. So if the urine color is different from these-- then there must be something wrong inside your body.

What are glucose tests used for?

Glucose tests are used to determine the concentration of glucose in blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and other body fluids.

Why is protein in the urine a sign that something could be wrong with the kidney?

Because the kidneys are supposed to prevent the loss of things essential for your body, such as protein.

Why sugar and ketone bodies are abnormal constituent of urine?

Sugar or glucose, is an abnormal constituent in urine because the body seeks to filter and reabsorb any molecules that are beneficial to life. In normal concentrations in the blood, glucose is reabsorbed efficiently by the renal tubules and there won't be a measurable amount in the urine. Glucose in the urine or glucosuria, is due to the renal tubule's inability to reabsorb glucose. This may be because the tubules are damaged, or there is so much excess glucose in the blood that it "spills over" into the urine. When ketones are in the urine, they signify that the body has stopped using glucose as an energy source and has started to tap its fat reserves. This can happen in starvation, metabolic disease, or diabetic ketoacidosis. Anytime that glucose and ketones are present in the urine, it is an indicator that the patient is suffering from diabetic ketoacidosis. There body does not have enough insulin to allow cells to utilize the glucose in the blood and the body has started to tap its fat reserves to provide the necessary power. This is a very dangerous situation and you should be seen by a physician immediately.

Is glucose found in urine?

If your body doesn't take the glucose from the blood into the cells by using insulin, the glucose will be lost in the urine. Since you need glucose for your cells to survive, you need the insulin. If no insulin is produced or too little is, you are a diabetic and have to take some form of artificial insulin.

Protein is a normal constituent of urine but glucose is not?

probably not because glucose is being used in your body for movement etc. so it's not going out

What is the normal glucose range in urine?

There should be no glucose in urine - it is too valuable to be lost from the body, so it is reabsorbed in the kidneys. Any traces of sugars in urine could be a sign of diabetes, and it would be wise to see your GP for further advice and tests.

What does it mean if there is glucose in your urine?

This may mean you have diabetes. This could also be a sign of mutations in the SGLT2 Transporters in the Kidney, which means that you excrete glucose in your urine, losing calories which could be used elsewhere in the body in the process

How is glucose found in urine?

Normally your body will hold on to most things that it can use and will remove those that it doesn't. If you are not making enough insulin, glucose will be found in the urine. Insulin is needed to carry the glucose molecule into the cell and if it isn't doing this, the glucose will "spill over" into the urine. Testing will give the doctor an idea if you are making insulin and perhaps you might need to take it.

What does it mean if a doctor finds glucose in human urine?

It means that the body isn't producing enough insulin to control glucose levels; the patient is probably diabetic.