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== == If the sun's gravity dissapeared, then, even if we still got light and warmth, the earth would stop circling the sun and start floating away into space. It would get colder and colder, and finally the earth would float too far away and freeze.

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16y ago
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7y ago

The earth doesn't need either really, but to maintain its stable course it needs the sun. To maintain life it needs the sun to warm the earth and provide a source of energy to plants and animals. The moon is important to life, it has its own gravitational pull on the oceans of the earth effecting how the oceans shift causing animals to migrate or shift as well.


The earth might do OK without the moon, but without the sun it would be a ball of ice with no life since the sun supplies nearly all the energy - directly or indirectly - used by living things to sustain life.

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15y ago

The sun is a very dense ball of gas (hydrogen and helium); it has so much gravity due to the large amount of matter in a relatively small place.

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7y ago

Among many other things: Gravity holds the Earth together in the first place. Also, it allows the Sun to shine.

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3y ago

bc you might need to see and need hottness and for the moon i think its just fun to look at the moon but i hope we can find the awnser somday Bye!.

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How is gravity important for earth?

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Perhaps the most important thing about gravity and the moon is that the gravitational force of the moon creates the tides on the oceans of Earth.

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gravity would be used in a sentence like this: The gravity of the Earth is a very important part of life.

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Why is gravity so important to the Earth?

You can't actually have a planet without gravity. Everything would just fly away into space, if it was not held together by gravity.

Why is gravity important to our lives?

Its what keep us stuck to earth, and keeps the earth moving around the sun, for a start.

How does the moon crontrol gravity on earth?

No. The earth has its own gravity. The lunar gravity causes tides on earth, but does not control earth's gravity.

Is the gravity of earth is because of it rotation?

No - the gravity of Earth is due to its mass.No - the gravity of Earth is due to its mass.No - the gravity of Earth is due to its mass.No - the gravity of Earth is due to its mass.

How does gravity affect our lives?

Without gravity we would HAVE NO LIVES. For instance, gravity keeps our Earth together; and gravity is an important component in making the Sun produce energy via nuclear fusion.