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Q: Why is gridlock a common aspect of the American political system?
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Why is gridlock or deadlock a common aspect of the American political system?

Answer: When parties within the government cannot agree to any one solution. A deadlock is a situation where in two or more competing actions are waiting for the other to finish, and thus neither ever does. Gridlock is a term describing an inability to move forward on any decision. P. E. Harrell

What is the remedy for congressional gridlock?

The remedy for congressional gridlock is bipartisanism. The reason there is gridlock is because both political parties refuse to budge from their ideas instead of finding common ground.

Why was common sence so accessible to american colonist?

Common Sense presented the American colonists with an argument for so Paine's political ideas were made tangible and available to a common audience.

Where is the most common place for gridlock to happen?

A gridlock is a large accumulation of traffic where the cars can't move because there is so much of it. This is most likely to happen in city centres at rush hour when many people are travelling.

Thomas Paine American political philosopher essay?

Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense

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One negative of feudalism was the fact that only a few people had the majority of the power; which is a common negative aspect of many political organizations. It depended on there being little communication and once communication became more prominent feudalism started to decline.

What did Thomas Paine's Common sense advocate?

Thomas Paine was an English-American political activist and author. Born in 1737. Paine's pamphlet, "Common Sense", advocated American Independence from the King of England and Great Britain.

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i dont know you spoon

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Collaboration is when individuals or groups come together to work towards a shared goal or objective. This can involve sharing resources, expertise, and responsibilities to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome.

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The Political Parties

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Who wrote common sense and what is it?

Common Sense is a political writing authored by Thomas Paine who was an elemental force in deciding the political views of America during it's formative years.