The remedy for congressional gridlock is bipartisanism. The reason there is gridlock is because both political parties refuse to budge from their ideas instead of finding common ground.
Congressional gridlock: (Legislative processing) Gridlock occurs when one, or both, political factions (Parties) choose to not negotiate (in good faith) for the best outcome/solution possible for ALL Americans.
The word gridlock is a noun. A gridlock is interlocking congested traffic.
Gridlock - novel - was created in 1991.
He has said he did. He met some wonderful people and made friends that he still has to this day. He also had an opportunity to practice diplomacy, traveling with congressional delegations to several foreign countries. But he also had problems with congressional gridlock and he objected to many of the policies of the Bush administration.
He has said he did. He met some wonderful people and made friends that he still has to this day. He also had an opportunity to practice diplomacy, traveling with congressional delegations to several foreign countries. But he also had problems with congressional gridlock and he objected to many of the policies of the Bush administration.
The avenue's traffic gridlock made it more of a parking lot.
Gridlock - 1980 TV is rated/received certificates of: Iceland:L
Trying to maintain a legislative balance between slave and free states eventually led to congressional gridlock, preventing legislation from being passed in any meaningful manner.
Doctor Who - 2005 Gridlock 3-3 is rated/received certificates of: UK:PG (DVD rating)
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There wan a gridlock this morning