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The avenue's traffic gridlock made it more of a parking lot.

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How do you use gridlocks in a sentence?

There wan a gridlock this morning

What part of speech is gridlock?

The word gridlock is a noun. A gridlock is interlocking congested traffic.

When was Gridlock - novel - created?

Gridlock - novel - was created in 1991.

What is the remedy for congressional gridlock?

The remedy for congressional gridlock is bipartisanism. The reason there is gridlock is because both political parties refuse to budge from their ideas instead of finding common ground.

What are the ratings and certificates for Gridlock - 1980 TV?

Gridlock - 1980 TV is rated/received certificates of: Iceland:L

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What are the ratings and certificates for Doctor Who - 2005 Gridlock 3-3?

Doctor Who - 2005 Gridlock 3-3 is rated/received certificates of: UK:PG (DVD rating)

Why is gridlock a common aspect of the American political system?

== ==

Do you get a point on your record for a gridlock ticket in California?

no you don't

What are the ratings and certificates for Gridlock - 1996 TV?

Gridlock - 1996 TV is rated/received certificates of: Iceland:12 UK:15 UK:15 (video premiere)

Does gridlock matter?

No. Gridlock doesn't really matter because this concept of divided government is something that the Framers of the Constitution would be happy with. This is because divided government passes better laws.

What does California's anti gridlock law mean?

In 1987 California passed a law known as the anti-gridlock law. A motorist that is blocking an intersection for oncoming traffic can be ticketed by police for breaking this law.