

Why is gum so fun to chew?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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because it make you feel good

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Q: Why is gum so fun to chew?
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Can people chew gum in Algeria?

Yes because they export gum. They make gum in Algeria and then send it out, so I believe that they do chew gum there.

What does chewing gum do?

So most people just chew gum for fun or because they like the flavors or something but chewing gum isn't all that good for you. So since you chew gum your stomach thinks there food coming but when it sees there is no food coming and your just chewing gum if will start eating away on acids in your stomach so it is ok to chew gum but not like every day!

Do people chew chewing gum?

People chew chewing gum so that they don't have to chew on pen tops or bit there finger nails. etc. Some chewing gum makes your breathe smell better which is why most people chew it. they also chew it to prevent plaque and gum disease.

What is a train made from gum?

A train made from gum is a Chew Chew train get it a CHEW CHEW train.

How remove the smell of alcohol?

chew gum chew gum

How to eat gum?

My explanation is, First you would have to place the gum in your mouth, Secondly Begin to chew on the gum and experience its many different flavors, Thirdly the gum would have to be blown from your mouth, Fourth The gum will no longer have a taste of sweetness. If this doesn't/ isn't good enough then it is ok

How long after you've had a sealant can you chew gum again?

It seems may people who have sealants chew gum and I also have sealant but have not chewed gum since my guess is after a month or so.

What do whales like to chew?

Blubber gum

Is it true that you have to have a permit in Singapore to chew gum?

You can't even have a permit to chew it, its completely illegal to chew gum

Gum 2.5 calories so How long to chew?

You can chew gum for how ever long you want. Modest chewing (as in not obnoxiously snapping your gum or anything) burns about 5 to 10 caloires per hour.

What does chew on your bubble gum mean?

It just means gum... that you can chew. Or if you mean it a different way, it means that you're muching on gum.

What is the best kind of gum to chew on a test?

Don't chew gum eat a peppermint! whoevea wrote this i think that you should chew peppermint gum for u information!