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Because of the way Earth is tilted on its axis and rotates around the sun.

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Q: Why is half the year day and half the year night in the Antarctic?
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Why is there day time and night time on mars?

Mars has day and night for the same reasons that Earth has day and night. Mars, like Earth, rotates on an axis. That means that the Mars is spinning like a top. As the planet spins, half of it is facing the sun, and the other half isn't. So the half that is facing the sun experiences daytime, and the other half has nighttime. The planet spins around so the the same half is facing the sun every 24.6 (almost 25) hours. This is the same way that we see night and day, except Earth spins a little faster, so we have a complete day and night every 24 hours.

What will be the duration of day or night if the diameter of earth suddenly reduced to half of its original value?

The day would be 11.5 hrs. and the night would be 11.0 hrs..

Why is half countrys of the earth is day and half of the country of the earth is night?

Because the earth spins on it's axis with a sun on one side of the earth and the moon the other side of the earth and there is an imaginary line across half of the earth and which half gets on to the sun or moon side it is night and so that means the other half is day.

Does antarctica have 6 months of day and 6 months of night?

Not all of it -- only a tiny region near the South Pole experiences 6 months of continuous daylight followed by nearly 6 months of continuous night. The North Pole has a similar division between day and night, each lasting one half of the year. However, practically all of Antarctica experiences at least 24 hours of continuous day or night, and weeks or months of continuous day or night occur in various locations. *Because of the width of the solar disc, and refraction by the atmosphere, there are about 2 or 3 more days of daylight per year than there are of night.

At what time of year are the earth's day and night equal?


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What is longest day noted till yet?

Inside the arctic circle, it can be "day" all day long, all 24 hours long. At the poles, this will continue for half a year. The other half year is night.

If Earth didn't rotate would there be day and night?

No because if the earth did not rotate there would either be only day or only night .

How long is night?

half the day

How much of earth is in day and how much is in night?

Half and half

What continents and oceans crossed by the Antarctic circle?

The Antarctic Circle -- 66°S 33′ 44″ - the latitude in the Southern Hemisphere south of which marks locations on earth that experience at least one 24-hour day and one 24-hour night each year. The Antarctic Circle crosses Antarctica and the Southern Ocean.

What are the continents and oceans crossed by the antarctic circle?

The Antarctic Circle -- 66°S 33′ 44″ - the latitude in the Southern Hemisphere south of which marks locations on earth that experience at least one 24-hour day and one 24-hour night each year. The Antarctic Circle crosses Antarctica and the Southern Ocean.

How does a planet create day and night?

During its rotation around its own axis half of the planet faces the sun [day] and half faces away from the sun [night] As the planet continues to turn so night slowly turns into day and then day into night and so on.

Is pm night?

"POST MERIDIAN" means after noon that is 12 o clock mid day to 12 o clock mid night so half day and half night

What planet has a day half as long as its year?

That's Mercury: "sidereal day" is more than half its year. Or, it could be Venus: "solar day" is just over half its year.

Why do Antarctic region has continuous day while the arctic region has continuous night?

because of the rotation of the earth on its axis

Is a desert hot or cold?

Some, such as the Sahara are hot in the day and cold at night. Others, such as the Antarctic, are simply cold.

Why do you have a day and night?

Because the earth rotates (spins). Half the time you are facing the sun (light/day). The other half you are on the side away from the sun (dark/night).