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·Only need one member of species to procreate


·Since they are pretty much clones they have the same immunity, diseases that kill one will likely kill them all

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Q: Why is having only one parent both an advantage and a disadvantage of asexual reproduction?
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What is a disavantage for sexual reproduction?

the disadvantage of sexual reproduction is that you actually have to have sex to create a child. this is why asexual reproduction is good because the parent organism can create a baby without having to have sex.

Asexual reproduction results in what?

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction compared with sexual reproduction?

advantages of asexual is that it reproduces easily by itself and it has 1 parent cellSome advantages of asexual reproduction are- Large numbers of offspring are reproduced very quickly from only oneparent when conditions are favourable.- Large colonies can form that can out - complete other organisms for nutrients and water.- Large numbers of organisms mean that species may survive when conditions or the number of predators change.- Energy is not required to find a mate.Some disadvantages of asexual reproduction are- Offspring are genetic clones. A negative mutation can make a sexually produced organisms susceptible to disease and can destroy large numbers of offspring.- Some methods of asexual reproduction produce offspring that are close together and compete for food and space.- Unfavourable conditions such as extreme temperatures can wipe out entire colonies.

What does asexual reproduction result in?

asexual reproduction is the ability to reproduce without a mate this means that when there are certain enviromental factors constricting the population one organism can carry on the species alone.

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There is no disadvantage to good leadership; no matter the name or title.

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One advantage of a partnership is being able to share the cost. One disadvantage is having to make sure the other person is okay with your ideas.

What are the advantages and the disadvantages of a sexual reproduction and sexual reproduction?

The main disadvantage of sexual reproduction is that it can be difficult for two organisms of the opposite sex to find each other and to mate. With asexual reproduction, any organism can reproduce whenever it wants to, or whenever it has the surplus of nutrients needed to do so. The main advantage of sexual reproduction is that it creates genetic variation, and by having varied offspring, there is a greater chance that at least some of those offspring will be well adapted to the changing environment. With asexual reproduction, genetic variation is very slight; there will be none at all unless there is a mutation induced by radiation, and even then, it will almost certainly be an unfavorable mutation rather than a useful one. So if an organism is not already well adapted to its environment, the genetically identical offspring of that organism will also be poorly adapted.

What is advantage and disadvantage of having a bicultural family?

an advantages of having bicultural family is thAT YOU LEARN TWO LANGUAGES

What is one economic advantage and one disadvantage of the Canadian Shield?

advantage they built a hydroelectric plants to create electricity. disadvantage is having exposed rock so is too barren to settle.