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Helium is lighter than air because of Atomic Mass. Helium is element number two, whereas oxygen is element number 8. Oxygen has an atomic mass of 16, and helium has a mass of 4, so helium is 4 times lighter than air. (Atomic mass is the total mass of protons, neutrons, and electrons in a single atom.)

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10y ago

Helium is infact, lighter than air.

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Q: Why is helium heavier than air?
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Is air heavy than helium?

Yes. air is heavier than helium.

Is helium lighter or heavier?

Helium is lighter than air

Is a helium balloon heavier than air filled balloon?

No. Helium is lighter than air

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Why does'nt a balloon with carbon dioxide float and a balloon with helium does?

Because, carbon dioxide is heavier than air whereas helium is lighter than air.

Is argon heavier than air?

argon is a component of "air" and as such air cannot be lighter than air, only more or less dense, however, judging from atomic masses, yes argon is heavier than nitrogen, oxygen, helium, and hydrogen, but depending on pollutants and other gases (CFC's, HCFC's, etc.) the compound that is air can vary slightly in mass.

Why is argon useful?

Because it is inert but unlike Helium is slightly Heavier than air.

What gases are heavier than helium?

Helium exists as a monatomic gas, with atomic mass of 4.0. Thus any gas with a molecular mass higher than 4.0 would be heavier than helium. Hydrogen is the only gas that is lighter than helium; all others are heavier than helium.

Is a canster of air lighter than a canster of helium?

No, helium has the second lowest density out of all the elements and with Hydrogen having the smallest density but it not being in the air it means the canister of air is heavier.

What are the differences between neon and helium?

Neon has 8 more protons and 8 more electrons than helium. It's heavier, but still lighter than air.

Are heavier atoms heavier than helium atoms?


Why is exhaled air more dense than helium?

Helium is a relatively light gas which is lighter than air at ground level. Exhaled air contains a lot of water vapour and carbon dioxide relative to normal air. Since ground level air is less dense than helium, adding water vapour and carbon dioxide makes exhaled air even more heavier than helium.