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It's not!. Certainly, when accidents happen, they can be bad, but they are really quite rare compared to the number of people who participate. Far more hunters are killed or injured by falling out of a tree stand than by being shot. It's not nearly as dangerous as skiing, horseback riding, gymnastics, or Cheerleading, just to name a few.

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Q: Why hunting can be dangerous for people?
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no, without hunting animals would be overpopulated, like where i live they stopped hunting cougars with dogs and the cougars started to move into town because they are very territorial and there was way to many cougars for the mountains, this created a dangerous environment for the animals and the people no, without hunting animals would be overpopulated, like where i live they stopped hunting cougars with dogs and the cougars started to move into town because they are very territorial and there was way to many cougars for the mountains, this created a dangerous environment for the animals and the people

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