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Hydrochloric acid or HCl, is an acid because the bond between the hydrogen and chlorine atoms can break, in this case very easily. When this happen the hydrogen atom leaves being its electron and becomes an ion.

An acid is a substance that can release a hydrogen ion in such a matter.

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6d ago

Hydrochloric acid is described as a typical acid because it donates protons (H+) in aqueous solutions. It is a strong acid that dissociates completely in water, leading to the release of hydrogen ions. This characteristic of hydrochloric acid to increase the concentration of H+ ions in solution is a fundamental property of acids.

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9y ago

Why is hcl a typical acid

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Is hydrochloric acid an organic acid?

No. Hydrochloric acid is a mineral acid.

What acid is in stomach acid?

It contains hydrochloric acid.

Is chloridric acid same as hydrochloric acid?

No, chloridric acid is not the same as hydrochloric acid. Chloridric acid is a term that is sometimes used interchangeably with hydrochloric acid, but the correct name for the compound is hydrochloric acid. They both refer to the same compound, which is a strong, corrosive acid with the formula HCl.

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The 3 strongest acids found in the body are hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the stomach, lactic acid produced during exercise, and carbonic acid (H2CO3) formed in the blood as a product of carbon dioxide.

Is hydrochloric acid an acid?

Yes, hydrochloric acid is an acid. It is a strong acid that is commonly found in the stomach, where it plays a role in digestion by breaking down food.

Is hydrochloric acid a acid?

Yes, hydrochloric acid is an acid (as its name suggests).

Which is a stronger acid Hydrochloric or acetic?

Hydrochloric acid is stronger than acetic acid. This is because hydrochloric acid fully dissociates in water to form more H+ ions, making it a stronger acid compared to acetic acid, which only partially dissociates.

What is the formula for the acid hydrochloric acid?

The formula of dilute hydrochloric acid is HCl

Is vinigar a hydrochloric acid?

No, vinegar is not hydrochloric acid. Vinegar is an acetic acid solution, while hydrochloric acid is a different type of acid commonly found in stomach acid.

What formula for hydrochloric acid?

The formula for Hydrochloric acid is HCl

Is hydrochloric acid stronger or acetic acid?

Hydrochloric acid is stronger than acetic acid because it is a strong mineral acid that dissociates completely in water to release hydrogen ions, making it highly acidic. Acetic acid, on the other hand, is a weak organic acid that only partially dissociates in water, resulting in a lower acidity.