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Q: Why is hydrogen place in the alkaline metals where as in the very first it is a non-metals?
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How do you make a periodic table out of Skittles?

you can't really. But if you need to then you can take the different kinds of skittle colors and make them in the shape of the PT (periodic table) and the sort the colors into alkaline metals, alkaline metals, metalloids, nonmetals, noble gases, transition metals, and inner transition metals. I would reccomend looking at a periodic table with color first.

What type of element loses an electron to become an ion?

Alkaline metals and hydrogen, all the elements in the first column of the Periodic Table.

What are 5 nonmetals?

well, hydrogen, oxygen, helium, neon, nitrogen. honestly? the periodic table? the first 5 elements on the periodic table are non metals

What element is the first member of the alkaline earth metal?

Alkaline earth metals are in the second group. Be is the first metal of them.

Alphabetically What are the first and last of the alkaline earth metals?

Alphabetically, the first alkaline earth metal is barium and the last is strontium.

Which 2 groups of metals are the most reactive?

1. alkaline metals 2. alkaline earths metals

Is the first element in the alkaline earth group of elements?

No, the first element, hydrogen, is not an alkaline earth metal. The first of those is Beryllium.

Is the ionization energy of alkali metals larger or smaller than the alkaline earth metals in the same period?

It is about first ionization energy. It is less than alkaline earth metals.

What comes first the metals or nonmetals?

Metal like Sodium Chloride. Sodium is the Metal and Chloride is the Nonmetal.

What is an element with a single electron in its highest energy level is probably what type of metal?

An element with two electrons in its highest energy level is probably an alkaline earth metal. More specifically, it is likely magnesium or calcium, as these are the most common alkaline earth metals.

First ionisation energies of alkaline earth metals are higher than those of alkali metals?

Yes, they are.

Hydrogen is placed at the top of what column of elements?

It occurs at the top of the metals (alkaline metals) - the first group of elements but while normally shown at the top of the Group 1 elements in the periodic table, the term "alkaline metal" refers only to Group 1 elements from lithium onwards. (Lithium is the next one down)