

Why is hydrogen the perfect fuel?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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In many ways, hydrogen is the perfect fuel. It is the cleanest burning and the most efficient. :)

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What is the perfect fuel?

Although nothing is "perfect," and the closest thing to perfection is certainly a matter of opinion, most scientist would probably agree that the perfect fuel is hydrogen. Best would be to use it for nuclear fusion, but it's not technologically feasible right now to use fusion as an energy source. However, hydrogen still makes an excellent fuel today. It can be used in fuel cells and also burned directly and the only product is water! Is not how to use hydrogen fuel, but how to make it. If it is made from natural gas (as it currently is), more total carbon dioxide is emitted using this conversion process than if the natural gas was just burned directly. The ideal source of hydrogen gas is from water and sunlight. Certain solar cells can use sunlight to do direct electrolysis of water, forming hydrogen and oxygen gas.

What is the byproduct of hydrogen fuel cell?

Water is the benefit of a hydrogen fuel cell ;)

Is Hydrogen Fuel Cells supposed to be capitalized?

No. Hydrogen fuel cell is not a title. You would only capitalize hydrogen if it was at the beginning of a sentence, as I did with this one. Otherwise, you would say 'hydrogen fuel cell'.

Is hydrogen fuel cells fossil fuels?

no because hydrogen fuel cells are renewable

What are some usages for hydrogen?

Hydrogen can be used as fuel.

Are all hydrogen cars with fuel cell or they are some hydrogen cars without fuel cell?

There are no commercially available hydrogen fueled cars.

Is using hydrogen as a fuel in cars?

Hydrogen can be used as fuel in carsbecause it don't cause any pollution

What is the current price of Hydrogen fuel?

The Answer Is The Cost Is 25000000 And that's the answer.

Why hydrogen considered as a good fuel?

Hydrogen has the highest calorific value, which should make it good fuel

What is fuel cell hydrogen?

The fuel cell hydrogen is one of the two gasses, that are created by the seperations of a water molecule H2O. A water molecule consists of H - hydrogen, and O - oxygen. A fuel cell hydrogen is the gas created by the separation of a water molecule with the help of a fuel cell.

What is greener fuel?

hydrogen is

Is hydrogen the cleanest fuel?
