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If you are not familiar with the equipment, these things could happen:

  1. You could create a dangerous situation and maybe get (yourself or someone else) hurt.
  2. You could not realize that the thing you are trying to measure is outside the range of what the instrument you are using can measure accurately, and get a bogus number.
  3. You could have to stop and re-do a step, or hesitate, and the experiment can be ruined while it's waiting for you.
  4. You could damage or destroy an expensive piece of equipment by using it in a way it was not meant to be used.
To prevent all these bad things from happening (or at least give yourself a better chance), you should be familiar with all the equipment in your lab before you begin an experiment.
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Q: Why is important to familiarized with the different physics laboratoryapparatus prior to the conduct of experiment?
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