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it is a shade of blue and violet

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Q: Why is indigo no longer a part of the visible spectrum?
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The range of colors?

The colour spectrum - it runs from red through orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo to violet.

What is color spectrum and how is it obtained?

The color spectrum is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The color spectrum, often referred to as 'visible light' is only part of it. It is called visible light because it is the only spectrum that we can see with our eyes (we can't see x-rays, radiowaves, etc). The colors within it come in the order of ROYGBIV : Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.

Has indigo been demoted as a color of ROYGBIV?

No. Indigo is still part of the spectrum of visible light. Blue, Indigo and Violet are less distinguishable from each other because there was less evolutionary need to distinguish between these colours more finely.

Is white light in a visable spectrum longer than blue light?

blue light is a part of visible spectra

What is a visible spectrum?

The Visible Spectrum is that part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum which can be seen with the naked eye. It consists of the frequencies between 380 nanometers and 700 nanometers. It consists of the colors Violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. You can get information on the total Electromagnetic Spectrum from Wikipedia or any other encylopedia.

What part of the spectrum could i detect with your sense of sight?

The visible spectrum

What is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum called?

We call that the visible or optical spectrum.

What is the part of the spectrum that we can see?

Visible light.

What does the spectrum in the electromagnetic spectrum do?

I suppose you mean the visible spectrum, only a small part of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The visible spectrum is basically all of the colors the human eye can detect.

What part of the spectrum does the spectrum of distant light shift to?

It is called red-shift. It shifts to the longer-wavelength, shorter-frequency direction. For example, visible light shifts towards the infra-red area of the spectrum.

Is visible light a major part of the EM spectrum?

It is certainly a very important part, but it is not a major part; 'visible light' makes up only a tiny part of the EM spectrum.

What is the small part of the light spectrum that you can see - called?

Visible light spectrum.